Universal Sound Edition Millenium MPS-850 [Download]

Universal Sound Edition Millenium MPS-850
16 €

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Eine Vorschau der verfügbaren Kits
Eine Vorschau der verfügbaren Kits

    drum-tec Universal Sound Edition: Custom Kits for your Millenium MPS-850

    This Sound Edition only works with the Millenium MPS-850 sound module.

    A pre-created drum-tec customer account is required to download the Sound Edition.

    Supercharge your fun with 10 new custom kits for your MPS-850 sound module:

    • Sound better: Level up your MPS-850 with these amazing kits
    • Express yourself: Leverage everything your sound module has to offer with kits that let you play dynamically
    • Start immediately: Pick and load a kit, put on your headphones and you're good to go:
      The Legendary Sound Edition is easy to install and will blow you away!

    Don't just take our word for it: Our demo sounds shows exactly what to expect!

    Enjoy playing

    Make your MPS-850 sound better than ever before:
    We modeled all kits with care and attention to detail to make your Millenium MPS-850 sound amazing!

    Here's how it works:



      Log in to your drum-tec account and instantly download your Sound Edition.



      Easy to install, thanks to the manual included with your download.



      Let's go: Enjoy your amazing new sounds!

    What's different?

    Let's be honest: Anyone can drown the stock sounds in effects to make a kit sound big and impressive when you first hear it.
    But you can't play dynamically with a kit that's maxed out on all fronts. And your ear tires fast from too much bass, treble and effects.
    When a kit is too fat your nuanced playing is suffocated by a muddy mess.
    That's a recipe for boredom, discouragement and even a risk to your health.

    You deserve superb drums!

    Maybe you have the experience to create astonishing kits, but do you have the patience? We have both:
    Our Sound Editions supply you with expertly crafted kits that are built from the ground up. All sounds are carefully balanced against each other and perfected by our integrated custom samples. You will love the result!

    Profit from our experience:

    We follow our own recipe and our kits become more than just the sum of their parts.
    Sounds a little too good to be true? Don't just take our word for it, make up your own mind:
    Our sound demos show the unedited truth of what to expect - nothing is masked by backing tracks!

    We want you to play e-drums you'll love!

    We're creating kits, so you can focus on playing the drums. Building amazing kits is hard work and takes a lot of patience and experience.
    Luckily, you don't have to worry about that!
    This Sound Edition is easy to use and makes your Millenium MPS-850 fun.
    Enjoy the best sounds and the entire dynamic range of your module, without going through the nerve-racking process of custom kit creation.

    Kit List:

    1. DAYLY $
    2. FAT KIT
    3. BE BOB!
    4. BAM JAM
    6. NICE ICE
    7. EARTH
    9. SHARKS!
    10. GAMMARAY

    It's as easy as...

    • Download the Sound Edition (There's a manual included in the download)
    • Backup your own sounds/kits!
    • Load your favorite kits
    • Play amazing kits

    Your Millenium MPS-850 can only read the Sound Edition when the folder KIT is in the root directory (the first level) of your SD card.

    Also included with the download is the kit list and a PDF manual!

    This Sound Edition only works with the Millenium MPS-850 sound module.

    Module de sons: MPS-850

    Informations et Contact pour la Sécurité des Produits

    Fabricant / Distributeur :

    M&M Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG
    Goldbinnen 1
    DE-31840 Hessisch Oldendorf

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