Toontrack The Blues EZX [Download]

Toontrack The Blues EZX [Download]
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Toontrack The Blues EZX [TT179SN]

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EZX expansion pack for EZdrummer and Superior Drummer

The Real Deal - There's no fooling a blues lover. You know that it's all about the craft, the touch, the feel and the heart. That's why we're proud to bring you the real deal – the custom, the calfskinned, the road-worn: The Blues EZX.

The Blues EZX comes with two complete kits; a 1970s Gretsch and a calfskinned Swedish Levin set from the 1940s. On top of that, it features contemporary Paiste and Sabian crashes, vintage Zildjan A and K series cymbals as well as extras such as a suitcase and a set of calfskinned tambourines. All instruments were handpicked and in many cases road-worn by the sampling drummer himself, a blues musician with decades worth of experience behind the kit playing the blues.The Blues EZX was recorded in an empty Swedish theater and later mixed in a high-end studio through vintage and modern outboard gear. The end result is a cross-pollination between new and old; warm and characteristic sounds that cover the whole range, from old school to modern, from dry to ambient. This is the sound of then, now and time to come.


  • Two complete kits (1970s Gretsch & 1940s Levin)
  • Sabian/Paiste/Zildjian A & K cymbals
  • Calfskin drumheads on Levin kit
  • Suitcase & two vintage calfskinned Grover tambourines
  • Included custom MIDI library

System requirements

  • 1 GB of free hard disk space, 1 GB RAM
  • A working EZdrummer 1.4 (or above) or a Superior Drummer 2.3 (or above) installation
Taille: EZX Sound Expansion

Informations et Contact pour la Sécurité des Produits

Fabricant / Distributeur :

Toontrack Music
Verkstadsgatan 13
SUÈDE - 904 32 Umeå

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