Real Acoustics Sound Edition Roland TD-17 [Download]

Real Acoustics Sound Edition Roland TD-17
35 €

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drum-tec Real Acoustics Sound Edition for the Roland TD-17 sound module

Pour le téléchargement de la Sound Edition, un compte client drum-tec préalablement créé est nécessaire.

30 nouveaux kits personnalisés avec des samples : Concentrez-vous sur des sons de batterie authentiques et dynamiques !

  • Ces kits sont modelés d'après des légendes - Vous obtenez deux kits par batterie, un kit normal et une version grosse avec plus d`volume et d'ambiance !
  • Dynamique et vrai : en plus des sons épais, nous avons également ajouté des samples !
  • Ne vous contentez pas de nous croire sur parole : Regardez la vidéo de démonstration pour voir exactement ce que vous obtiendrez !

Real Acoustics TD-17 All Kits Demo:

Les librairies Drum-tec Sound Editions pour les modules Roland contiennent des sets personnalisés de grande qualité qui peuvent être chargés en plus des kits de batterie préchargés (presets). Cela nous a demandé beaucoup de temps et d'efforts, et nous avons apporté une grande attention aux détails ; nous avons travaillé sans relâche pour obtenir un tel raffinement sonore.

Nos clients nous demandent régulièrement quelles sont leurs options pour tirer le meilleur parti de leur module Roland. Nous avons pris ces questions à cœur et avons commencé à agréger nos kits et nos sons les plus appréciés et à les compiler dans les librairies sonores Sound Editions. A partir de notre expérience de batteurs et en prenant en compte les retours, remarques et commentaires de nos clients, nous avons créé nos propres sets pour les modules Roland. Alors que certains sets sont plus destinés pour s'amuser à la maison, d'autres sont optimisés pour la scène.

Lors de l'installation de la libraire drum-tec Sound Edition pour votre module Roland, vous ne changez pas ou ne supprimez pas les kits préréglés (presets) fournis par Roland. Nous utilisons les possibilités d'édition et d'enregistrement de kits utilisateur des modules pour concevoir les meilleurs kits de batteries possibles. Nous sommes gratifiés de nombreux commentaires et retours positifs sur nos librairies Sound Editions, ce qui est incroyablement satisfaisant.

Sont inclus : une liste des kits disponibles ainsi que des instructions à suivre pour charger la librairie Sound Edition dans votre module Roland !

How to load the Sound Edition:


  1. Yamaha Stage
  2. YamahaStgFAT
  3. Artstar
  4. Artstar FAT
  5. Pearl Jazz
  6. PearlJazzFAT
  7. Hoshino
  8. Hoshino FAT
  9. Dixon Dry
  10. DixonDry FAT
  11. Keller Birch
  12. KellerBrchFAT
  13. Camco Tuxido
  14. Cmco Txdo FAT
  15. Ayotte Maple
  16. AyotteMplFAT
  17. Masters
  18. Masters FAT
  19. Gretsch 602
  20. Gretsch 602FAT
  21. Sonor Delite
  22. SonorDliteFAT
  23. PremierElite
  24. PrmrEliteFAT
  25. Rogers
  26. Rogers FAT
  27. Fibes Maple
  28. FibesMpl FAT
  29. Slingerland
  30. Slngelnd FAT
Module de sons: TD-17

Informations et Contact pour la Sécurité des Produits

Fabricant / Distributeur :

M&M Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG
Goldbinnen 1
DE-31840 Hessisch Oldendorf

Évaluations 27
Évaluations de clients
24 avr. 2024

My TD17kvx2 sounds more exciting!

I really enjoy this expansion pack. There are a lot of unique snare sounds that are more exciting than the factory Roland ones. 10/10 for the snare sounds which include both Drumtec own samples and tweaking from Roland internal samples. 9/10 for the tom sounds. Some tom sounds are particularly interesting like the fat-sounding ones from Pearl Jazz and some kits that have thicker tom sounds. The cowbell and woodblock sounds are fun to play with but you have to be a bit more careful not to accidentally hit the rims when not intending to trigger those sounds. The Fat versions are good if you want extra reverb; for now because of limited space in the module, I only use the normal versions.

23 août 2023


Super Sounds, die deutlich besser sind, als die von Roland gelieferten. Damit macht es gleich doppelt so viel Spaß zu spielen. Vielen Dank, super Arbeit!

21 mai 2021

Play you drums in this dimension

Got the Td17 module. Hated how the sounds and production sounded other worldly. These kits fix that. They now have a solid presence and I feel like I'm playing the drums in the room with me. I love that. The kits also sound miles better than any of the presets and anything that I gave myself a bad back spending days trying to program into the module. Worth the money!

21 déc. 2020

Nice addition for a plug n play experience

A great selection of kits that surpass any Roland stock kits by far.
Was just wondering if we can copy individual instruments in order to construct a personalized kit.
For example copy the Sonor Delite snare so I can use it with another kit.
Is this possible? If so, how would I do this? I´ve tried to look this up online with no luck.

9 déc. 2020

Great sounds

I've imported these kits and played around with all of them, I've applied some mufflin to adjust the Sonos Delite to my tastes because it has the snare sound I was looking for.

The drummer in the presentation video, Ralf Schumacher, is my hero! What a groove!!

I really appreciate the work done by drum-tec team, I think they are very professional and inspiring musicians.

Keep it going, thanks a lot

Thanks a lot guys,

7 nov. 2020

Pretty good, but not entirely what I was expecting

A nice set of patches that give you a larger variety of usable kits than what comes with the TD-17, but I was surprised to find that these Drum-Tec kits use all stock sounds except for the five or so patches that import their own custom snare samples. Perhaps I misunderstood the description, but I was under the impression that these kits contained 100% custom samples. In theory, you could get the exact same results yourself if you simply took the time to tune the parameters of the stock sounds, so what you're mainly paying for here is the convenience of having someone else do it for you, which means less time diving into the TD-17's menus and more time practicing and playing.

drum-tec Team 7 nov. 2020

Hey Darren,

thanks for your feedback! You are right on all fronts: As the TD-17 (and all other current Roland modules) only supports one-shot samples mixed into the stock sounds that's the best way to create a dynamic sounding kit. We actually started our Sound Editions because so many drummers asked for help dialing in their sounds, so yes, a lot of it is stuff you could do yourself. What we learned though, is that most drummers would rather focus on drumming.

We hope you still enjoy your kits, even though you had other expectations! Our product text does tell you that we're using the stock kits, but we'll check how we can overhaul the description so that it's easier to pick out!

-Marvin (please write to if you'd like to discuss this further!)

4 oct. 2020

Excellent! with one question

This is so amazing for td-17 users to upgrade sound qualities. But I have one question. When I import each kits, should I import real snare sample kit for each kits?

drum-tec Team 4 oct. 2020

Hey Sam,

thanks for your feedback! Yes, please also load the individual snare samples for the full experience. (That way only store what you want to use.) Enjoy your amazing new sounds!


8 août 2020


Great stuff!

3 août 2020


I have purchased the Medal Edition in July and this month purchased the Real Acoustics Sound Edition> Love them both. Highly Recommend them. Drum Tec outstanding job.

17 juil. 2020

Well Worth It

I recently bought the Roland TD17 KV kit and while the on board sounds are ok, I really wanted more of a variety of acoustic kits. Unless, you have loads of time and patience, tweaking the kits through the module won't be an option - and so that's where this Drum-Tec expansion pack works so well. I bought the Real Acoustics pack as a download. It was really simple to download and then input into the module through use of an SD memory card. Recording drum covers and writing originals has become so much better sounding now. I particularly love the Keller Birch kit. I would recommend this expansion pack, if like me, you're into a range of acoustic kit sounds. The service from Drum-Tec was equally as good.

22 mai 2020

A must have!

These guys nailed these sounds and kits. Saved myself and I'm sure many others, countless hours of dialing in "that perfect sound", thank you!!! And to be able to tweak to your own personal liking is awesome. Well worth the money!

8 mai 2020

Not good but Fantastic sound

Realistic and warm sound, perfect for all styles. Thank you guys your work is awesome!. Special thanks to Kai Olav

8 avr. 2020


I was honestly about to give up on my TD-17 and look for something else as I could not get a preset kit customized to my liking. These kits all sound amazing and I'm SO happy to be able to enjoy playing once again and not cringing when certain things sound off due to crappy presets.

8 avr. 2020

It's all about expectations.

My experience:

Purchasing, downloading and installing the 'real acoustic live sounding' drumkits was very easy. It only took 10 minutes from payment to uploading the last drumkit.

After installing these drumkits, I noticed there was a cowbell or woodblock sound on almost every tom-rim; so first thing I did was exchange them with convenient tom-sounds. Because I use my tom-rims a lot, they are an essential part of an acoustic kit as far as I see it, and I hate it when I hit a cowbell/tambourin/whatever during tom-fills. My tom rims do not sound like a percussion instrument.

Then I played and listened to the drumkits, one by one, and some sounded really good... but others not, almost unnatural. Like that Oshino kit with toms with brush-sounds, but snare and cymbals with stick-sounds.

I started noticing the different cymbal-sounds on the same pad. Same story like the cowbell/woodblock/tambourin on each tom-rim: that's not 'natural'. Speaking about natural sounds: what I usually do is adding a layer underneath a cymbal sound; so the result is (for example) a ride that washes and crashes at a certain velocity at the same surface. That's realistic.

I checked all the '30' drumkits, and at a certain point I thought: 'these are in general 15 drumkits, with copy-pasted clones with too much reverb'. So I started editing those clones by changing the parameters to make the sounds more user-friendly.

So after a few hours editing, I felt slightly disappointed about this package. The mean reason is that it's a bit cheap to create and sell 'online drumkits' in this way. Only the snaredrums and the toms are edited and yes, the snare drums are really good edited! Hey, it's not only bad news. :-) Certainly the 30 high quality 'user samples' of 'snare buzz/ring' are welcome. Those are an improvement in the sound quality of the basic snare drum sounds of the TD-17 and that is a fact.

Next time, I will think twice before buying a sound pack. Or lower my expectations. Yes, I know. Still, I'm sure there are a lot of people who are satisfied with this package. I know it takes a lot of work to make packages like this. If you don't want to spent days (!) with adjusting parameters to create good sounding drumkits like these, then it's certainly worth the money.

10 févr. 2020

Muy bueno

Suenan todos fenomenal. Mucho mejores que los que vienen de fábrica. No te decepcionarán

16 janv. 2020

Unreal value

I was hesitant about spending ~$40 USD on this but regret not doing it sooner. I don't see myself using the original 50 kits very often after playing with these 30 kits. Some are better than others, but most, if not all, are better than the pre-included kits. Save yourself the hassle of tinkering and fiddling and get this sound pack. You'll be glad you did.

20 déc. 2019

Makes your TD 17... Better?

At first I was like ah damn it, I hope I don't throw away money for sounds I coulda just done myself you know?
But I saw the video and it was sweet but then again, that Ralph guy who plays the demo is crazy good and I'm sure makes everything sound better lol!!
Long story short: F-YES! I feel like I bought a new module everything is so refined and authentic and...just real!!
Well named!

20 déc. 2019


I bought my TD17 already with the drum tec sounds as a package. And I was waiting desperately for fresh material. This selection is awesome. I love every single sound. A must investment you will never regret.

17 déc. 2019

Very happy to have found this product!

So I picked up a TD-17 to use as a practice kit at the house. I’d been playing a TD-25 at my local GC but didn’t want to put that much into it so I bought a floor model 17 for much less. I thought the sounds would be the same as what I heard on the 25... I was very disappointed. After seeing a forum post about Drum-tec add-on kits I purchased the Acoustic pack. Much happier! All of these kits are usable but being a cover drummer mostly, my sound is typically just like the Stage Custom kit. I could actually use the 17 at a gig should I want to now. Not so with the default kits.

14 déc. 2019

A whole new level!

I have been very happy with the hardware of my TD-17 but never really liked the sounds included. Right after purchasing the TD-17 I found the Metal Sound Edition from Drum-tec and this completely changed the game for me. Since then I have stayed with these kits and I don't remember having used the native kits once.
A few days ago I did buy the Real Acoustics kits and it just feels like Christmas. A whole new drumkit again. I can't wait to play with the band :-)

12 déc. 2019


Now THAT'S what Im talking bout!
Well done guys, exactly what Ive been waiting for!
Sweet sounds, very authentic indeed!

8 déc. 2019


Excellent sounds, just what I was looking for!

30 nov. 2019

Awesome Expansion

Drum-tec did an excellent job, the kits are awesome and is really a great expansion for the TD-17. I wonder why Roland don't put these kind of good stuffs in their module - thanks to drum-tec they exist. Special thanks to Kai-Olav Zander-Walz for the help and support and kudos to Ralf Schumacher for the superb demo. Prost und es lebe Drum-tec!!!

27 nov. 2019


Also manchmal schon beängstigend wie real die Sounds klingen. Da stecken mit Sicherheit etliche Stunden Arbeit drin und das hört man auch? Es macht einfach nur Freude die Kits zu spielen. Vielen Dank dafür das ist jeden Cent wert? Wer ist denn eigentlich dieser Drummer der in den Videos spielt? Der hat echt n guten Groove drauf. Muss unbedingt mal nach Hessisch Oldendorf kommen.

22 nov. 2019

Killer download.

These kits are incredibly good right out of the box. Compared to the stock Roland user kits and V Expression kits that I have, these are miles ahead. Way too many unusable kits in both the Roland/Vex samples compared to a really great Real Acoustics Sound Edition package. Elevate your TD17 with the Real Acoustics Sound Edition, the cost is minimal for what you get.

9 nov. 2019

Game Changer

Wow . I recently bought a Roland TD17 Kit to play more sophisticated and quiet type clubs . I really wasn't pleased with most of the kits and knew with some tweeking I could get them to sound better .. Before I tackled that project, I found Drum-tech and to my amazement saw that they had some real nice brain packages to upgrade the kits ... Folks, It is night and day .. I have never been more amazed and happy with every aspect of my kit now .. The drum kits in the acoustic package are phenomenal .. I am not only amazed by the drum sounds but the cymbals sound amazing as well ..the dual pads have dual sounds .. Crash and splash , crash and China ... The game has changed and all for the better ... Best investment for my gear .

4 nov. 2019


I waited soooo long for this!
Finally, damn fine solid sounds, thanks guys! I bought and liked the metal sounds, but I'm no metal drummer, so it was a stretch. This sound pack is just made for me. The fat versions are amazing: Roomy, yet digestible! You guys did a great job editing these kits. Well put together, not just random drums mixed to death and covered by FX - a real drummer did this, everything just... fits! (And plays well, really musically)
BTW, thanks to Marvin for keeping your promise and remembering to write to tell me about this release after God knows how many months - you rock! Though now I want the classic rock kits you told me would follow, though luck ;)

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