Module Flight Case pour le Roland TD-15

55 €

T.V.A. inclu, port en sus
(3 kg Poids d'expédition)

En stock

Module Flightcase for Roland TD-15

The new TD-15 module case is a must for musicians, who often have to transport their sound module. This case offers perfect protection for the Roland TD-15 sound module. Due to the inner shape, your module can be placed into this case, even when the mounting plate is attached. You will find further place for the user manual and the power supply.
Also usable for TD-9 and TD-11 module.


  • Outside: 30cm, 27cm, 23cm (W/H/D)
  • Inside: 23cm, 16cm, 17cm (W/H/D)

Informations et Contact pour la Sécurité des Produits

Fabricant / Distributeur :

M&M Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG
Goldbinnen 1
DE-31840 Hessisch Oldendorf

Évaluations 1
Évaluations de clients
1 mai 2019

Question about fitting other Roland modules

Will this case fit a TD-30 sound module?

drum-tec Team 2 mai 2019

Not even close! But our case for the TD-30 is a perfect fit! :)

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